I was wondering why certain people had all the glory when, suddenly, I heard a Voice. “What?,” I asked. “Take it easy,” the Voice boomed. As I looked around, the Voice remarked,”Look, I’m God and I needed a break. You can understand.” Raising my eyebrows and with a questioning, scared look in my eyes, I wondered why He was taking a break with me. He didn’t respond. I finally drummed up enough courage and said, “Okay, but since you’re here, how about a question or two?” Long pause! “Why not,” He answered. “Okay, here goes. There are millions of your worshipers who believe evolution is wrong and the Bible is correct. Since you created evolution as well as the Word in the Bible, what do you think about that?” God told me that he regretted creating the evolution of humans the way he did. I asked why.
He said,”I didn’t put enough emphasis on “humble” and love. Followers say they love and worship Jesus and then turn around and hate their neighbors and start one war after another. I believed a little greed tossed into the pot would keep people from an over emphasis of thoughtfulness, but support, compassion and love increasingly have been left out. Not a good idea. Those greedy ones tried to hide their sin by creating such terms as ‘compassionate conservative’ and ‘privatization.’”
“Humans just didn’t turn out the way I planned,” he said quietly. “The thousands of different religions is a bit much based on my original intent. One power grab after another creating one conflict after another was beyond my imagination,” He continued, “Everybody thinks their religion is right, and everyone else’s religion is wrong, because some so-called, self-appointed leader tells them so. That never was my intent.” “Can you do something,” I asked. “It’s too late.” He said. “People have to kick themselves to do the right thing.”
I mentioned that the Bible and Koran seemed to be causing all kinds of problems. How could that have happened? God’s response was, “You’re right. The intent was to provide a general array of wise choices along with some history. People were to understand right from wrong and they were to choose wise choices rather than not-so-wise choices. What seems to have happened is that too many religious leaders pick and choose what they want members to know and believe—often the wrong choices. Once again, it’s a power thing. I didn’t do a very good job subduing the desire to have power and greed. Besides that, I can’t believe there are those preaching that religion is all about wealth.” That’s more than weird if they believe in Jesus.”
I said, “Prayer seems to be big in the minds of most people. It’s my observation that prayers don’t seem to work very well. God responded, “Prayers are not supposed to solve problems. They’re to keep people going. I threw “hope” into the pot, too, and it has turned out to be one of my best efforts.”
I got the idea from God that the religion idea was meant to help people get along and to support one another. The basic idea is the same for all religions. If a space alien was to evaluate this human phenomenon, she or he would just shake her or his head and ask, “What’s the problem? They’re all looking toward the same goal.” The problem, obviously, is too much ego, along with greed and the thirst for power.
Going back to this Bush era, it would be difficult to believe that “love your neighbor” would ever be a priority. I doubt if the simplistic American-cowboy mentality in this country will let it happen. I said, “With 50% of the entire national budget going to the Pentagon and military spending, there is little chance for peace in the world.” God replied, “Yes, and with global warming, the situation on earth is dire, indeed.” His last words were, “Still! Don’t give up on humans yet. They have the ability to do the right thing to save themselves, but the way it’s going, the odds are not good. Help them out if you can.”
This is ridiculous, I thought, who does he think I am, George Burns?
I shook my head slightly, and ended the conversation with a “thumbs up.” For some reason I couldn’t imagine God believing my response was on any gungho, “go get’em,” piece-of-cake level. The situation is kind of like the politician telling the public how great it’s going to be once he is elected. Looks like we’re in deep due-due.
tricky business these conversations.
WOW. Am I aging badly, or is your profile that of someone else?
Meantime, love the blog and look forward to checking regularly. Some Welshman once said something like,Rail, rail against the fading of the light... I'm sure it was referring to something else, but it seems to me to epitomize the US at this moment...
Marty's stuff is amazing. A chip of the ole block?
Need to get back to DSM (but isn't vacationing in DSM from Geneva a bit strange??)
Love always,
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